1 .Facebook Chat Hack
To add pictures during chat session, just Type Unique id or Username between [[ ]] .[[unique id or Username ]]
for example : [[1758955254]]

To find your facebook ID , go to profile page and look at url , you’ll see id=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, for example my facebook id is 1758955254 .

2. Who deleted me on Facebook?
Ever wanted to know “Who deleted me on Facebook?” . Use this FACEBOOK APP to find out.
3. Create A Video With Your Facebook Photos
pixable.com is website that allows you to create video with your facebook photos.4. Facebook Hack To Publish Empty Status
Just enter the following code and hit enter@[2:2: ]
5.How To Stop Receiving Facebook Notifications via Email
To stop receiving facebook notifications via email , go to Account SettingsThen click on Notifications
You can see number of notifications under each category ,uncheck all according too you need ,you can uncheck all or you can keep checked what you want
6.Write Upside Down Facebook Status
You’ve probably noticed a few people posting upside down status updates . If you want to write upside down status, you can use free online tool fliptext.org7.How To Download All Pictures From A Facebook Profile At Once
There are a lot tools that allows you to download all photos from your profile. Here I’ll mention few1)Picknzip
2)Photo Grabber
3) Album Copier
8.How to Undo Facebook Changes
You can download script that undoes some of the newer presentational layout changes for people who are afraid of change.before:


9.Profile Photo Hack
With the Facebook’s new profile page you can divide your profile photo into 6 parts(1 profile pic and a photo strip of 5 recent photos in which you were tagged). There are some applications which allows you to write some funky text in the photo strip but dividing your own picture will be much cooler. Look at picture below to know what you can do with this trick.
How to do it
1) You need a photo of at least 692 pixels wide and 540 pixels high and a photo editor. I did it with Photoshop CS3.
2)To get your profile pic make a crop that’s 180 pixels wide and 540 pixels high.
Note: Start the crop from the left most corner.
3)Now to get the photo strip, crop a 492 X 68 pixels strip. Start the crop from 20 pixels below from right-top corner of the image.
Note: Google’s top searches say it should be 20 pixels but I took around 30 pixels to get it right.
4)Now, you have to divide the strip into 5 parts. The photos in the strips of Facebook have a gap of 2 pixels. 492 – 8 (4 * 2 pixels) = 484 and 484 / 5 = 96.8. So, you have to cut 5 photos of 96.8 X 68 leaving a gap of 2 pixels. As, Photoshop didn’t allowed me to crop the image in points I took it as 97 X 68 and the widened the last image as it was 1(.2 px * 5) pixels short.
5)The difficult part has been completed till now. Just upload all the 6 images on Facebook. First, set your profile pic which we made in the 2nd step.
6)Now, to make the strip, you have to tag yourself in the reverse order. This means, the photo which will be in the right most corner of the strip should be tagged first and the left most photo should be tagged last.
7) You’re done, just tell your friends to visit your profile.
10.How To Block Certain People From Chat
Go to options -> Advanced Settings
Under All your friends see you except… choose friend that you don’t want to see you when you’re online.
11.How To Create Fake Facebook Conversations
1) Go to fakeconvos.com2) Click on create a new convo

3)Type name of commenter, select your upload picture, type what ever you want to say and click on add stream
you can add as many people to the stream as you want, you can even login to the facebook and add your actual friends to the stream
4)Type descriptive title and save it
5)Now you can right click and save your picture and send it to your friend
12.How To Hide Your Profile On Facebook
1)Login to your facebook account and click on Account-> Account Settings
2) Locate the sections Privacy under account settings and click Manage

3) Under Privacy Settings click on Search

4)If you don’t want your profile to appear in search engines , then uncheck Public Search Results

If you want that only your Facebook friends can see your profile and other information about you, ten choose option friends only

13. How To Improve The Probability Of Getting A Like On Facebook Page
1) Go to wildfireapp.com and install iframe app2) Allow Wildfire’s iFrames for Pages

3)Click on Add Wildfire’s iFrames for Pages

4)Register your app by filling in your personal information and clicking “Submit“.

5) You can upload image or put html code for Fan and Non-fan visitors.
If you know how to use html and css you can make very cool facebook page, for example:
Html Code:
<div style=”background-color: #eee; width: 490px; padding:15px;”>
<a href=”http://www.wildfireapp.com” target=”_parent”><img src=”https://s3.amazonaws.com/wildfireapp/wildfire/iframe_hero.jpg?2” style=”border: none;” height=”565″ width=”490″ /></a>
<h1 style=”color: #770495″>Learn about Wildfire’s iFrame App <a href=”http://wildfireapp.zendesk.com/entries/20003303-acceptable-html-and…” target=”_parent”>here</a>.</h1>
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<img src=”https://s3.amazonaws.com/wildfireapp/wildfire/iframe_secondary.jpg?2” width=”124″ height=”124″ style=”float: left; margin:0 15px 15px 0;” />
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14. How To Be Safe on Facebook
To secure your account and browsing within Facebook you should use “Secure browsing (https)” that will prevent your account from session hacking.Go to Account Settings -> Security and choose secure browsing
15.Hide Status Updates From Certain People
Using this facebook hack , you can control who can read your status updates with Facebook’s privacy settings.Click on Public -> Custom
Under Hide this from , type people from which you want to hide your status update.
16.How To Search Facebook Like A Pro
Facebook search has a lot of advanced options , for example , if you type name: John Marsh status:married , you’ll filter your results down to only people who are married .
A complete list of search tips for Facebook can be found here.
17.How To Update Facebook Status From Google Account
You can use google gadget to update facebook status from google acc, Facebook for iGoogle18.Post your Tweets to Facebook
Connect your Twitter account with Facebook to share Tweets with your Facebook friends.It only takes a minute. Use Twitter App For facebook.